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Microwave Deep Heat Hair Treatment Gel Cap


Regular price8.000 KD Sale price
SKU: 6291100276431

Hair Treatment Gel Cap Overview

A Hair Treatment Gel Cap is a specialized cap filled with a gel substance, designed to be heated in a microwave or a hot water bath. Once warmed, it's worn over the head to help hair treatments penetrate more deeply into the hair shafts. This tool can be particularly beneficial for deep conditioning treatments, hot oil treatments, or other hair repair therapies. The heat from the gel cap increases the effectiveness of these treatments by opening up the hair cuticles, allowing the treatment to penetrate more deeply and work more effectively.

Benefits of Using a Hair Treatment Gel Cap

  1. Enhanced Treatment Penetration: The heat helps treatments penetrate the hair shaft more effectively.
  2. Improved Hair Texture: Regular use can lead to softer, smoother, and more manageable hair.
  3. Scalp Health: The warmth can also promote blood circulation to the scalp, potentially aiding in hair growth.
  4. Convenience: Allows for mobility during treatment, as it doesn't require you to stay near an electrical outlet.
  5. Reusable: Most gel caps are reusable, making them a cost-effective option for ongoing hair care.

How to Use a Hair Treatment Gel Cap

  1. Heat the Cap: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for heating the cap. Usually, this involves placing it in a microwave for a specific amount of time or soaking it in hot water.
  2. Prepare Your Hair: Apply your chosen hair treatment to damp or dry hair as specified by the treatment instructions.
  3. Wear the Cap: Place the heated gel cap over your hair and let it sit for the recommended amount of time. This is usually between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment.
  4. Rinse: Remove the gel cap and rinse out the hair treatment, if necessary.
  5. Clean the Cap: Follow the care instructions provided with your gel cap to ensure it's ready for your next use.


  • Always check the temperature of the cap before placing it on your head to avoid burns.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for both the gel cap and the hair treatment to ensure the best results.
  • Individuals with certain scalp conditions should consult with a dermatologist before using heated treatment caps.

This product can be a valuable addition to your hair care routine, especially if you're looking to improve the health and appearance of your hair.